
Symptoms of high blood pressureHypertension is a common and dangerous cardiovascular disease. Simply put, it is a disease of high blood pressure. If treatment is not started promptly, it can lead to serious consequences such as stroke, heart disease, incapacity, disability, and even death. That is why it is important to know the symptoms that accompany this disease in order to be able to recognize it in time and prevent it in its first stages.

The invisible enemy, or what is high blood pressure?

Hypertension is an increase in blood pressure. This disease also has a synonym - arterial hypertension. Here you should understand that only a qualified specialist can make a diagnosis and formulate a treatment plan accordingly.The onset of the disease can be detected by at least three control indicators of blood pressure measurement. Don't be alarmed if you notice your blood pressure "jumping" throughout the day. Changes in the body may occur due to changes in occupation, such as strenuous activity and sleep or exercise and office work. In this case, an indicator of normal health would be a number from 100 to 60 to 140 to 90 on the display of the pressure measuring device.If your blood pressure is consistently or frequently around 140, this is a sign that you need to see your doctor.

Why does high blood pressure occur?

Increased pressure is a response to processes occurring inside and outside the body. These are stress, uncomfortable circumstances, increased levels of danger. In these cases, a protective response is triggered in the body. The blood begins to release adrenaline, causing the heart rate to increase. This causes blood vessels to constrict and muscles to contract. Taken together, the body's response affects the increase in blood pressure. Since man is not immune to overexertion, his organ functions are constantly exposed to this stress. This results in an immediate threat to health.Regular sleep deprivation, anxiety, and mental and neurological disorders can all contribute to high blood pressure. In addition, doctors list the causes of this disease as follows:
  • Problems with being overweight;
  • thyroid problems;
  • Lack of organic substances in the body, including magnesium;
  • genetics.

Who comes first?

Hypertension mainly affects people who have relatives with the disease in their families.Additionally, people with sedentary lifestyles and those who are overweight can also experience symptoms.If you have osteochondrosis or atherosclerosis, it may lead to high blood pressure. There is a physiological explanation for this. During these diseases, blood vessels become compressed and pressure increases accordingly.An important factor in the occurrence of hypertension is the influence of hormones. This is why it often occurs in women during menopause.People who experience constant stress at work and in life may develop symptoms of high blood pressure. Heavy smokers and people with diabetes are at risk.Symptoms appear most often in people over 50 years old. And, according to statistics, men are more likely to suffer from this disease.However, it's important to understand that, generally speaking, high blood pressure doesn't spare anyone, and the boundaries are arbitrary. The younger generation often suffers from high blood pressure.

Why is high blood pressure dangerous?

The consequences of high blood pressure are dangerous for the entire body. It results in:
  • loss of vision;
  • kidney disease;
  • Metabolic syndrome;
  • heart attack;
  • stroke;
  • Erectile dysfunction.
This is one reason that you must first understand the symptoms of high blood pressure in order to identify the disease in time.

Hidden symptoms of high blood pressure

Unfortunately, the disease often begins insidiously. In the initial stages, symptoms are usually subtle. To be more precise, they do exist, but people tend to discount them, blaming their illnesses on fatigue and daily life. Symptoms of high blood pressure include frequent headaches. They have nothing to do with changes in weather or time of day. They appear suddenly at night or after waking up, and appear at noon. They look like a "hoop" pressing against your temples. Patients often describe the pain as "like a brick being placed on the back of their head. "This condition is exacerbated when bending over or making sudden movements.Additionally, symptoms include:
  • nausea;
  • Blurred vision: foggy, foggy vision;
  • confusion;
  • Lethargy and apathy;
  • There is noise in the ears.
If you observe any of these symptoms, you should start measuring your blood pressure. Its continued high magnitude warrants sounding the alarm and contacting experts.These are just the first signs of the first stages of high blood pressure.Its characteristics are also:
  • increased sweating;
  • facial redness and puffiness;
  • Swelling in the morning;
  • swelling of hands;
  • Memory impairment or partial loss.

Stages of Hypertension: When to Sound the Alarm?

This disease has several boundaries. The first stage is when the pressure fluctuates between the upper limit of 160 and the lower limit of 100. If this disease is detected in time and treated effectively, you can not only prevent a hypertensive crisis, but also get rid of this disease forever.The second stage is characterized by an upper pressure limit of approximately 180 and a lower limit of 110. Symptoms include head and heart pain and dizziness. The organ of vision is also affected. In this case, complex treatments, changes in lifestyle and daily life are required.The third stage of hypertension manifests itself as an irreversible process running in the body. As the vessel was overloaded, the pressure rose to 180 to 110. The worst thing about this situation is the consequences. If high blood pressure is not treated immediately, there is a high risk to life.At various stages of development, patients may enter a hypertensive crisis. It causes aggravation of all symptoms of the disease. In this case, the low pressure becomes high. Symptoms include nausea and vomiting.

Treatment of high blood pressure: in hospital or at home?

The course of treatment for this disease is determined solely by your doctor. The first thing you need to remember is:
  • Pressure should always be reduced gradually. A sharp drop may put you at risk for a heart attack;
  • How to normalize the condition can only be explained individually for each case by a qualified expert. There is no point in self-medicating;
  • You should not stop taking your medication if you feel improved. Must complete courses prescribed by physician;
  • You should not adjust your treatment on your own: increasing or decreasing the dose of medication;
  • You should not wait for a short-term cure. Hypertension is a disease that cannot be cured or cured in a day.